Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Learn by Doing

I have been messing around with photography for a while now.  I remember when I was little, I liked to be the one snapping the photos on the family trip.  I bought many cheap-o cameras to capture memories throughout high school and undergrad.

Marriage brought my first digital camera - a Canon point and shoot.  I borrowed it from Kerry when my brother and I went out to Yellowston fishing during 2005.  We used it for our honeymoon in 2006.  Things took a big change in 2007, when Kerry and I went out to Colorado and we borrowed her brother's Canon Rebel DSLR.  It took me a few years, but I bought one (Canon D40)...and really it has all been down hill from there!

Like most hobbies I have gotten into, I start them by reading... a lot.  My stack of photography books is growing, as well as my supplies.  I like playing with different "tools".... but what can you expect.  I'm an engineer.  I'm anal, detail-orientated, a somewhat of a tech junkie.

I'm also a life-time learner.  I'm finishing up my 3rd degree (May 2012 here I come!!).  And its not that I need more to do, because I have way more than enough - full time job which is typically 60 hrs/week, one class this semester, a basement to finish, and a baby to get ready for - for me to get better and learn more about photography, I need to use it more.  This is what I hope to accomplish with this blog.